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Bad breath, or halitosis, is caused by bacteria that live in your mouth and feed on the food particles left behind after eating. Depending on the type of bacteria present in your mouth and your hygiene habits, you may have significantly more or less bad breath than the average person. Luckily, there are plenty of ways to prevent bad breath if you know what causes it and how to control it at its source. Here are four tips from a dentist Epping to help you do just that.

Brush Correctly:

Brushing your teeth twice a day is one of the best ways to prevent bad breath. But remember that bacteria forms when food particles and other waste remain on your toothbrush, which can again be transferred back into your mouth after brushing. So, it’s important to rinse out your brush thoroughly each time you use it. Then make sure that you are brushing your tongue and gums as well as every surface in between them with a gentle up-and-down motion. This helps prevent bacterial growth that can easily lead to gum disease or bad breath. Remember to use only a soft-bristled toothbrush.

Don’t Ignore Flossing:

Flossing is vital for keeping your mouth clean and healthy. Lots of individuals undermine the importance of flossing when it comes to dental hygiene. Even if they do, some people make mistakes when flossing. First, be sure you’re using new floss every time you floss. Old floss tends to get rough around the edges, and can scrape at your gums or damage your tooth enamel. Even if it looks fine on the outside, old floss often doesn’t glide as easily between teeth as newer versions do.

Pay Attention to What You Eat:

Food is a major cause of bad breath. Foods like garlic, onions, sugar, and coffee will leave your mouth in less than desirable condition. Your dietary habits do influence your oral health as well. Maintaining good oral hygiene will not only prevent bad breath but also keep your teeth and gums healthy. Schedule regular visits with your dentist Epping. Visit every six months for cleanings and dental check-ups to be sure you are avoiding cavities and gum disease. Dental problems like gum disease can lead to tooth loss.

Get Periodontal Treatment:

If you’re experiencing bad breath that doesn’t seem to go away, you might have a dental condition called periodontal disease. A dentist can detect and treat periodontal disease using treatments like root canal. The Epping dental expert can also perform what’s known as a deep cleaning on your teeth, which removes plaque and tartar build-up that could be causing your problem.

The last thing you want when you go out to eat or attend an important business meeting is bad breath. Fortunately, these tips will help combat the problem, so that it doesn’t affect your social life or ability to work effectively. If you face any difficulties with it, get in touch with an Epping dental centre today.