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Taking charge of your smile and your first impressions is an excellent way to boost your self-confidence both socially and professionally. However, it’s essential to choose teeth whitening options that are both safe and effective. How safe is teeth whitening? It all depends on your choices.


Is teeth whitening safe at home?

A dentist can customise a take-home teeth whitening kit designed on your whitening goals, your gum health, and the state of your enamel. This helps make teeth whitening a much safer, effective, and more personalised option than an over-the-counter whitening kit.

The issue with over-the-counter whitening kits is that they don’t take into account your oral health situation. You can’t evaluate your gum and enamel integrity on your own, so self-application isn’t the best teeth whitening solution. OTC teeth whitening options can also be abrasive, cause gum sensitivity and produce uneven results. The formulas used take a long time to produce results and aren’t long-lasting.


Dentist-designed teeth whitening: the stronger choice

Dentists can use much stronger whitening agents than over-the-counter treatments provide and use these whitening agents safely. A Serenity Smiles Philips ZOOM! teeth whitening agent boasts an approximately 25% hydrogen peroxide content whereas an average over-the-counter whitening strip treatment might only be 6-7% hydrogen peroxide.

The teeth whitening professionals at Serenity Smiles can, therefore, provide you with a much safer and far more effective whitening treatment.

What conditions can teeth whitening correct?

Teeth whitening can correct a number of conditions that lead to tooth discolouration. If you’re asking yourself, “Is teeth whitening safe for me?” then discolouration cause is an important question to consider. Your teeth discolouration may come from inside the tooth.

This is called intrinsic discolouration and may be due to certain medications, ageing, or tooth trauma. Extrinsic discolouration, on the other hand, can be the result of highly pigmented foods or drinks (coffee, tea, or red wine), use of tobacco products, or betel chewing.


Options at Serenity Smiles

At Serenity Smiles, there are two options on offer, take-home and in-chair whitening.


Take-home treatments

For this option, your dentist will first clean and evaluate the health of your teeth. Then, you will discuss your whitening goals together. After this, your dentist will design a personalised, at-home teeth whitening regimen.

To do this, your dentist will first take a cast of your teeth so your bespoke whitening trays can be fabricated. You will also be provided with a whitening gel at a strength level suitable to the health of your mouth and your whitening goals. Next, your dentist will demonstrate how to fill the trays with the whitening agent and give you instructions for wearing the trays.

You may wear them for several hours a day or overnight, depending on what you and your dentist decide.

While you may notice results within a few days, it will take about two weeks until you see the full effects of your take-home whitening treatment. In just two weeks and with a little bit of effort each day, you can enjoy your radiant new smile.


In-chair treatments

Serenity Smiles offers Philips ZOOM! whitening treatments. Zoom! whitening is renowned for its quick results and high rate of patient satisfaction: You can have your teeth whitened up to 8 shades lighter in only 45 minutes.

Zoom! professional teeth whitening gel is safe for your enamel, lifting away stains without weakening your tooth structure.

Before you and your dentist start the whitening process, your dentist will perform a check-up to clean and evaluate your teeth. Once you have both decided that Zoom! whitening is right for you; your dentist will take some precautionary measures to protect your oral soft tissues from the Zoom! whitening agent.

Your dentist then will take note of your tooth shade before the whitening procedure begins. Next, your dentist will apply the whitening agent to your teeth and apply a curing light for approximately 15 minutes. This will be repeated 3 times. Your dentist will apply a desensitising gel, so you don’t experience any sensitivity following your treatment. Afterward, you can enjoy your noticeably brighter smile. It will take a week or two for your new smile to reach its full level of radiance.

To keep your smile bright and long-lasting limit food and drinks that can stain your smile and stop avoid smoking. Maintain a good oral hygiene regimen at home and visit our practice every six months for a professional cleaning and dental exam.



Is teeth whitening safe? When administered by a qualified dentist, teeth whitening is safe and effective. Dentist-administered teeth whitening can yield outstanding results that will leave you with a brilliant new smile. Make a choice to improve your smile and your confidence today with Serenity Smiles. Fill out the online contact form or call our practice on (02) 9158 6753.